Copertine riviste e giornali: Canada
Altre 24 Heures Montreal, Acadie Nouvelle, Albi, Cape Breton Post, Edmonton Sun, La Presse, La Tribune, Le Devoir, Le Franco, Le Journal de Montreal, Le Journal de Québec, Le Nouvelliste, Le Soleil, Maclean's, Montreal Gazete, Photo-Journal, Record Week, Riches & Célèbres, RPM Weekly, Tele Guide, The Expositor, The Province, The Standard, The Sun Times, The Telegram, The Welland Tribune, The Western Star, The Windson Star, Toronto Sun, Trail Daily Times, Vancouver Sun, Waterloo Region Record, Weekend |
Ultimo aggiornamento: 23.10.2024
Ricerche ed elaborazione discografia: Franco N. Lo Schiavo - Italia